Where Does Faith Require You to Act?
I hope that you take time to sit with James’ call to make sure that your faith is not just words or thoughts or beliefs but actions too.
I hope that you take time to sit with James’ call to make sure that your faith is not just words or thoughts or beliefs but actions too.
Our works must come flowing out of a heart that is not far from God, that is deeply rooted in the implanted word of Jesus living within us.
With the words of eternal, powerful, meaningful life on offer, on display in the lives of those around us, how could we go anywhere else?
When we look for wisdom as Solomon did and as Paul asks us to do, we *already* have access to it: God’s own life made flesh in Jesus.
The bread of life that will sustain the disciples and fundamentally change their lives is available to them now, just as it is to us today.
The people were excited and amazed, I believe, by Jesus’s abundant, unexplainable, miraculous generosity in the face of apparent scarcity.
The disciples needed time to be bored, to not be overstimulated, to sit in silence. They needed time to be with their God. And we do too.
I ask you to choose the Kingdom offered by a loving God who came and died and longs to set us free from the way of violence, sin, and death.
It is my prayer for all of us here this morning that we take very seriously the Christian understanding of power modeled for us in Jesus.
"Doing the dishes" means living out our love so that love is not just something that we believe in our heads but something we actually do.
When we embrace faith in the face of our fears, we open the door for Jesus to use us as he would, to live into the kingdom of heaven today.
“For the love of Christ urges us on,” Paul writes... this love is what makes us do what we do.