A Faithful God, Empowering Us to Love
We are tasked today simply with radiating the glory and love of God through our own lives, and if we do that together, with God’s help, then we can trust that the entire world will be changed.
We are tasked today simply with radiating the glory and love of God through our own lives, and if we do that together, with God’s help, then we can trust that the entire world will be changed.
Love is for all, without reserve or measure, and we are invited to that kind of love for their sake, for our own sake, and for our world's.
Simon and the future disciples made space for something good for their souls in a world of failure and disappointment, and there, they met God.
God is still at work amid the pain, amid the cruelty. And, we are invited as Christians to join in God’s redeeming work in the world, working toward a society where all are honored and respected and loved.
With a commitment to unity, and the solid foundations of dignity, honesty, and humility that such unity requires, we can do our part to help realize the ideals and the dream of America.
We are workers, not master builders; ministers, not messiahs. We are prophets of a future not our own.
God wants our communities of faith to be parties so compelling that no one can see us and deny the truth of love, the goodness of this life.
We believe that God reveals that Jesus Christ is the beloved, the sign of a new way of being in the world. What will that mean for us?
Epiphany gives us a chance to live our lives in response to this revelation, this manifestation, this glory of God made flesh.
There is a hope bigger than our despair, a hope based in the incarnation of Christmas and in the faithfulness and abundant love of God.
No one has ever seen God, but we have seen his glory, full of grace and truth, come through the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ.
We have much to be outrageously joyful about: the Almighty Creator God came to be with us and continues to be with us, this and every day.
That is the message of Christmas: God is love, God chose and chooses to be with us, and now we need merely to love, and love abundantly.
Our encounter with Jesus must change us for the better of ourselves and our community... Only he is the answer to our deepest longings.
All of us are to be outward and visible signs of the grandeur and beauty of God in service, in eldering, in oversight, for the sake of all.
Christians must follow the example of Christ their King and get invested, get alongside those we love, in reciprocal, beloved community.
Jesus came to teach us to love God and love neighbor beyond any reasonable metric, with everything we have and with everything we are.
This end goal for all of creation? We are participants in it. For our part, the way we get there is simply this: loving God and neighbor.
Though no one wants to endure suffering, we will all face it; it is ours to decide what our response will be. Respond first with prayer.
The power of Jesus, of the Kingdom of God, comes not through a sword or a gun or a gavel or a position of power but through the cross.
I argue that the best way to give up your “one thing” and to follow Jesus is to be a connected and committed part of your local church.
What I do know is that being a Christian involves practicing the Way, being like this Jesus whom we see in the Gospels and in the Church.
If you are suffering? Turn to God. If you are cheerful? Turn to God. If you are sick? Turn to each other, and then together, turn to God.
We must place our focus, our efforts, and all our attention on the divine, lest we forfeit the truly good life that God has for us here.